The agency was tasked to design and develop a new and improved Guinness pub finder, with the goal of driving volume to the Guinness Top 250 pubs, and email ARs via data capture. The project had a focus on delivering a frictionless user experience, being optimised for mobile devices, and creating valuable owned digital assets that can be built on to drive direct sales.
We ended up delivering a simple to manage product, which was scalable and provided a platform to launch future marketing initiatives and had the ability to support local venue promotion as well as global, brand level initiatives. It was built with a Google API integration that utilised maps, directions and local business listings as well as leveraging existing metadata providing SEO benefits.
ClientGuinness (Agency: whiteGREY)RoleLead UX/UI DesignerCreditsDavy R (UX Lead). Yohan J (Tech). Joko W, Kenneth M (Project/Client Lead)